Ventilation technology
With our customized fan drives we provide the market with momentum. Whether the environment is hot or cold, wet, extremely dry or polluted with chemicals: With our drive solutions you will master all types of ventilation challenges and benefit from individual precision fit, long service life as well as reliable chemical and temperature resistance.
On top of that: Thanks to our cutting-edge synchronous technology, we are able to provide you with maximum efficiency in the smallest possible package – and that with integrated electronics. As a result, we fine-tune all components precisely to your requirements, e.g., for implementation in hot air furnaces, livestock buildings, soldering stations, commercial ovens or combi-steamers.
If desired, we offer everything for your application from a single source: fan drive, fan wheel, circulating and drain pumps as well as the appropriate electronic controller. Typical HANNING.
Our competence in the industry sector for ventilation technology can be presented with the following selected examples:
+49 - (5202) - 707-0
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